Governor Cyrus Harris

Governor Cyrus Harris
Cyrus Harris, Chickasaw-Scot, was born in 1817 in Mississippi. After removal to Indian Ty., he was elected first governor of the Chickasaw Nation in 1856. This noted Indian leader died at his Mill Creek home, 1888. His grave is 1 1/2 mi. w. of this marker. **


At Drake Store on U.S. 177 Highway eight miles south of Sulphur, Oklahoma.**

To Drake-Nebo Cemetery (Governor Cyrus Harris is buried here): Six miles south of Sulphur, on U.S. 177, west on Goddard Road for 1 mile, then south 1.5 miles (N3390 Rd), and west 1/4 mile (Drake Cemetery Rd).


Gov Cyrus Harris
Drake Cemetery


Note: We looked for this marker on June 17, 2009 and could not find it down U.S. 177 S. of Sulphur.

GPS Location of Drake Cemetery

** Description and directions from Mark of Heritage by Muriel H. Wright. 1976.
